Thursday 30 July 2009

Draft dodging

National Service is one of the unique and unavoidable aspects of Singaporean life. Some look at it as a transition into manhood as a badge of pride. Therefore it is understandable that some Singaporeans have nothing good to say of draft dodgers. The problem of draft dodging is however, something that cannot be ignored.
How and why do people dodge draft in the first place? While Singaporean males are called up for enlistment at 18, this can be delayed till after they complete tertiary education. In some cases, they may find that they have career opportunities and feel they cannot wait till after NS to take them on. Some of them may simply prefer living in other countries as well. Others emigrate when they are young but are still bound to return to serve NS. In addition, some may change their citizenship when overseas so the government cannot force them to return, though they can be prosecuted if they do return.
Obviously it does not do justice to others that some people who may be talented or rich enough to go overseas to study and live can simply skip NS. On the other hand, some sensitivity must be shown. Not all draft dodgers want to do so but are forced due to the strict laws, to dodge the draft in order to pursue once in a life-time opportunities. In my opinion, the governemnt should consider these on a case by case basis. It should also be more flexible give them the option of serving NS if they come back later. This will remove the dilemma some Singaporeans face where they are forced to live overseas because they will face punishment upon returning. Why should Singaporeans living abroad be alienated because of something like this?
There should also be a revision as to who has to serve NS. Clearly Singaporeans who emigrate when they are young would have no attachment to Singapore. As a result, getting them to serve NS would totally defeat its purpose. After all, these people are likely to go back overseas after NS and Singapore will gain nothing from them.
The whole concept of only males serving NS is also illogical. Countries such as Israel have conscription for both males and females. While it may seem women are too caring to be fighters, NS does not necessarily equate to military service. NS can also include the civil service. With the emphasis on Total Defense in schools, surely this will be merely an extension of this policy. It will also result in greater equality and also be a chance for national bonding.
I feel that while dodging draft is wrong, the system should be adjusted so that people have no chance to correct this mistake.

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